About Me
My Projects
Machine Learning/Neural Networks
Web Development

This is no longer being updated as I have focused on python coding. Please look directly at my repositories. This is really a table of contents for my github repositories located here. I am ok at CSS, decent at javascript and webdevops, & pretty good at python.

About me: I have always wanted to invent or discover something. My primary interest after high school was biology and medicine so I earned degrees in bioengineering and worked for about a year in life sciences. When I finally got the chance, I jumped at the opportunity to study medicine. It was an eye-opening experience and I am grateful for it, but unfortunately it was not meant to be. Realizing that computer programming is central to any technology field, I have spent the last few years learning how to code. I have a broad set of skills now and would feel comfortable is many different industries. I am still trying to change the world, but in my spare time I like to hike and spend time with my son.

My Projects

Machine Learning/Neural Networks

Custom Object Detection with Mobilenet: Transfer learning with mobilenet tf/keras model. There are two saved models: one for clothing and one for sign language.
Object Detection with Mobilenet: Use pre-trained mobilenet tf/keras model to identify 1000 different items
Functional implementation
Graph implementation
License Plate Reader: Use a pre-trained tensorflow/keras algorithm to identify and extract license plates
Optical Character Recognition with Tesseract: This is meant to be used with the license plate reader
Cats vs Dogs Neural Network: Transfer learning with VGG16 tf/keras model to accurately identify pictures of cats vs dogs
Simple Linear Regression Example

Web Development

Spotify Clone:

The frontend was build in React and hosted on AWS amplify. The database is AWS dynamodb which is accessed with AWS API Gateway proxied to a lambda function.

Deployed Link Frontend repo Backend repo

Vanilla Javascript RPG Game:

I did this as the final project of my General Assembly Course before I knew about event streaming, web sockets, server-side rendering, game frameworks, etc. I chose to do this to strengthen my OOP/DOM skills and to make something cool! You are a dwarf and the objective is to walk to the end of the level on the other side of the map. A goblin will randomly appear and attack you. Click on image to open. Note: only works in desktop.

Deployed Link Repo
Flask API: ToDo List
Flask API: Read and Write to CSV File
Docker: A Simple Node App

General Python Projects

Calculator: Simple Calculator App with PYQT6
Move Files: Create folders and move files to the folder based on file name with "glob"
Automation: Send Emails with Gmail
Weather API: Find weather anywhere with OpenWeather API
Git Unpacker: Extract data from every branch in a repo to a separate folder


Fibonacci Numbers: Find any number of Fibonacci sequence
Dijkstra's Pathfinding: Find shortest path in a weighted graph
Google Foobar Challenges: 4 challenges I received from Google
Super Word Search: See pdf for instructions
Nearest Neighbor: Given a list of coordinates, find all within a certain distance of a point
Palindrome Minimum Insertions: Find the minumum number of insertions to find a palindrome. If multiple solutions exist, return the lexographically earliest.